Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 years and 8 Weeks

Hi there! I'm finally siting down at the computer to write an update, I'm sure y'all missed me and were just filled with worry about why I wasn't posting (yeah right). Anywho, it's been pretty boring around here lately...I get up, get Parker to school, go to work, go get Parker, go home, whine to Michael that I don't want to cook, don't want to clean the get it. I'm being the laziest pregnant lady ever.

Other than my lack of domestic that a word? We just celebrated Parker's 2nd birthday! Happy birthday to my sweet boy, he's getting so big and I can't believe how fast the time goes! His party was wonderful, he had an awesome time and loved all of his gifts. We did have one accident, Parker was standing to close to his older cousin (6) who was not paying attention and was hit with a plastic baseball bat in the forehead. I wasn't very happy but in true Parker fashion, he cried for a total of 5 minutes (if that) and was back playing in no time...purple goose egg and all. He's a tough little guy, that's for sure!

Today we gathered all of the clothes and shoes to get them washed and have opened one or two presents. He has quite the loot, let me tell you! Now I need to go through old toys and all of his clothes to put away for Button, if Button is a boy, then hopefully I can get Parker's room a little more organized.

In other news, Button has been baking for 8 weeks! I quickly realized that Button's pregnancy is and will be NOTHING like Parker's was. I am nauseous 24-7 and have food aversions that I didn't have last time. I crave salad and chocolate, I'm unable to button my pants (unless I wear them all week and they're good and stretched out) My belly is much bigger than it was the first time at this week in pregnancy and I don't sleep well. They say every pregnancy is different and it's obviously true...I guess I just had no idea because my pregnancy with Parker was pretty easy except for the awful heat. I'm ready for September 29th when I can finally see Button and fall in love even more!

Please excuse my make up free face, it's Sunday and I don't really care about looking pretty today. 

How far along? 8 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Lost 4 pounds since I found out and then gained them back this week...oops. Time to start walking!
Maternity clothes? I need them but I'm cheap to buy new ones so I'm waiting for my clothes back from a friend.
Sleep: I can't seem to get comfortable right now so it takes longer to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Best moment this week: Parker rocking a pretend baby singing "baby, baby, baby"
Movement: None. 
Food cravings: Salad and Chocolate when I'm not nauseous.
Gender: don't know yet. 
Labor Signs: No thank you.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
What I miss: Not being nauseous!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex, feeling movement, decorating the nursery
Weekly Wisdom: Orange juice is awesome.
Milestones: Hitting the 8 week mark! I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since I got the positive test!

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